Thursday, March 31, 2011

online earning post 2

The lessons in the book walk you through the process step-by-step. I realize that article marketing isn't for everyone. The writing part is what scares most people - at least until they learn that there really are types of articles which almost anyone can write.
Of course, writing only these types of articles may limit the potential of your website. That's why chapter twenty-two is about using other people's articles to generate free targeted traffic.
It works both ways, you see. I've written hundreds of articles that can now be found all over the internet. However, I also use free articles that others have written. I can't write about everything, so I let other's share their expertise on my websites. Their articles bring in more traffic and make me money.
I'll show you how to best use other peoples articles. Suppose a person's article is on your site and twenty others. How do you increase the odds of the search engines pulling up the one on your site? I'll tell you what has worked for me. Whether you want to skip the writing part altogether or just want to supplement your own writing, there will be valuable lessons here for you.

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